Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Missed opportunity

This morning I had this feeling that I wanted to share in writing. I sat and contemplated on it as I drove to work, and let the feeling marinate, and then along the way, my mind drifted to something else and slowly the feeling faded away. I have a lot of these moments where I wanna capture my thoughts in writing, only I cant because, like this morning, I am driving, or I am on the middle of..... just a myriad of things standing between me and a writing tool. I wonder if its just me...

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are so no alone. I get these moments all the time, and i really have killer ideas of what i'd love to write at the moment. Sadly by the time i get to a pen and paper or computer, the ideas are all jumbled up and for the most part lost.
